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Best of the best

Аханова Куаныш Тулегеновна
КГУ «Средняя школа №9»
г. Тараз, Жамбылская область, Казахстан

School 9

The theme: “Best of the best”

                             The teacher: Akhanova K.T.

Taraz — 2020

Extra –curriculum lesson

The theme:    “Best of the best”

The form: 8 “A”    8 “B”  

The aims:    1. To enlarge students’ vocabulary.

                     2. To improve students’ speech and expand their curiosity.

                     3. To up bring students to be responsible and work in group.

Resources: cards with tongue-twister, cards with mystery note, cards with grammar and lexical tasks, cards with names and professions (for fans), pictures:“world sightseeing”, placard and colourful pencils.

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Org.moment: Dear, students, I’m glad to see you! We’ll organize a competition called “Best of the best”. There will be 2 teams. The captains of each team will introduce themselves.

1team- Our team is named… Our motto is….

2team- Our team is named… Our motto is….

      I have invited a competent jury to count the points. The members of our jury are…

    Well, the game has 8 contests, they are:

1. “sweet” words

2. tongue-twister (4 points)

3.proverbs  (10 points)

4.drawing pictures (10 points)

5. artists’ competition (for fans)  (5 points)

6. mystery note (8 points)

7. grammar quiz  (10 points)

8. magic box (5 points)

 So, let’s start our competition. I wish you good luck, do your best!

  1. “sweet” words: I want the captains to begin with “sweet” words to each other.
  2. tongue-twister: There are tongue-twisters, a person from each team should read them as quickly as he can .For each right tongue-twister you can get 1point.

Look at the board.

  1. Betty Bottle bought a bit of butter.

But she bought a bit of bitter butter.

Then she bought some better butter.

But where’s the bit of  bitter butter Betty Bottle bought?

  • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where’s the peck of  pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

  • She sells seashells by the shore

The shells she sells are surely seashells

So if she sells shells on the seashore,

I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

  • proverbs:  I’ll give you cards with Kazakh and English proverbs. Match the proverbs with the same meaning.  You have four minutes to do it. (The ready task is checked by the jury). You can get 1 point for each proverb(10 points)
  English proverbs Kazakh proverbs
1 Make the hay while the sun shines a)Қарға қарғаның көзін шұқымайды Ворон ворону глаз не клюнет
2 Health is better than wealth b)Аш бала тоқ баламен ойнамайды Гусь свинье не товарищ. 
3 East or West, home is best c)Көз қорқақ,қол батыр Попытка не пытка
4 Still waters run deep d)Өз елім өлең төсегім В гостях хорошо а дома лучше
5 Hawks will not pick up hawk’s eye е)Ештен кеш жақсы Лучше поздно, чем никогда
6 You never know what you can do till you try f)Бір құмалақ бір қарын майды шірітеді Одна паршивая овца всё стадо портит
7 Geese with geese, and women with women g)Темірді қызған кезде соқ Куй железо, пока горячо
8 Money is the root of all evil h)Денсаулық зор байлық Здоровье дороже богатсво Здоровье не купишь ни за какие деньги.
9 The rotten apple spoils the barrel i)Үндемегеннен үйдей бәле шығады В тихом омуте черти водятся
10 Better late than never j)Алтын көрсе періште жолдан таяр Деньги – корень зла

The key:

  English proverbs Kazakh proverbs
1 Make the hay while the sun shines g)Темірді қызған кезде соқ Куй железо, пока горячо
2 Health is better than wealth h)Денсаулық зор байлық Здоровье не купишь ни за какие деньги. Здоровье дороже богатсво
3 East or West, home is best d)Өз елім өлең төсегім
В гостях хорошо а дома лучше
4 Still waters run deep i)Үндемегеннен үйдей бәле шығады
В тихом омуте черти водятся
5 Hawks will not pick up hawk’s eye a)Қарға қарғаның көзін шұқымайды Ворон ворону глаз не клюнет
6 You never know what you can do till you try c)Көз қорқақ,қол батыр Попытка не пытка
7 Geese with geese, and women with women b)Аш бала тоқ баламен ойнамайды Гусь свинье не товарищ. 
8 Money is the root of all evil j)Алтын көрсе періште жолдан таяр  Деньги – корень зла
9 The rotten apple spoils the barrel f)Бір құмалақ бір қарын майды шірітеді  Одна паршивая овца всё стадо портит
10 Better late than never е)Ештен кеш жақсы Лучше поздно, чем никогда
  • drawing pictures: I’ll give you  sheets of paper and pencils. Be ready to draw a picture. Listen to me attentively, I’ll  read it twice and then you’ll draw. You can get 8 points.

               There is a big house in the middle of  the picture. The house is yellow with a red roof. There are two windows in the house and one door. To the left of the house there is a green tree. To the right of the house there are two flowers. One flower is red, the second flower is blue. Under the tree there is a black dog. In the tree there is a fat cat.

    Draw the picture. You have only five minutes.

  • artists’ competition (for fans) : At the same time our fans will have their own task. Your  task is to match the names with the occupation.

      You can get 1 point each right answer.

Alfred Hitchcock painter and sculptor
Marilyn Monroe film director
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart scientist
John Lennon composer
Michelangelo singer and songwriter
Charles Darwin actress
William Shakespeare queen
Lionel Messy comedian
Charlie Chaplin writer
Elizabeth II footballer

The key:

Alfred Hitchcock film director
Marilyn Monroe actress
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composer
John Lennon singer and songwriter
Michelangelo painter and sculptor
Charles Darwin scientist
William Shakespeare writer
Lionel Messy footballer
Charlie Chaplin comedian
Elizabeth II queen
  • mystery note: You have a mystery note, can you work it out?

Each team can get 8 points






The key: ( Hello, I am Beatrice. I am seven and I am a student of  Greenwood school. My father is called Frank, and my mother is called Margaret. Mum is thirty-nine and Dad is forty-one. We are a friendly family. We live in Oxford. This is a town not far from London.)

  • grammar quiz:   You will be shown some grammar forms, and your task is try to find which grammar tenses or structures are they and give one more example.
  • Which tense is it?  (V/Vs- Present Simple tense)
  • Which tense is it?  (am,is,are+Ving- Present Continuous tense)
  • Which tense is it?  (have/has+ V3/Ved — Present Perfect tense)
  • Which tense is it?  (V2/Ved  -Past Simple tense)
  • Which tense is it?  (was, were+ Ving – Past Continuous tense)
  • Which tense is it?  (had+V3/Ved – Past Perfect tense)
  • Which tense is it?  (will+V – Future Simple tense)
  • “used to” (past habits)
  • “to be going to” (planned action)
  • “more…., the most…..” (comparative and superlative forms of  long adjectives)
  •  magic box: There is a magic box on the table, and there are some pictures of sights in it. Choose one of them and speak. All members of the team will take part in this contest.

Now jury is going to count the points. We have some time for fun. Let’s sing a song together.

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