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Специализированная школа- гимназия №30 для одаренных детей с обучением на трех языка

Учитель английского языка

Ергалиева Назгул Абатовна


    Развивающий аспект:  развивать широту взглядов, умения и навыки самостоятельной работы; развивать творческое самостоятельное мышление учащихся, сформировать у них умения и навыки самостоятельного поиска, анализа и оценки информации; развивать умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в новых ситуациях; накапливать и совершенствовать опыт работы над проектом и его презентацией.

Учебный аспект:  активизировать употребление лексики по теме, практиковаться в монологической и диалогической речи, в аудировании; развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся; учить детей делать компьютерные презентации творческих проектов, уметь оценивать проекты одноклассников, пользоваться Интернетом для углубления знаний и расширения страноведческих познаний; расширять социокультурные знания учащихся.

Воспитывающий аспект:  воспитывать положительное отношение к семье,  любить и ценить семью, быть преданным семейным традициям; воспитывать умение взаимодействовать и сотрудничать в группе, приходить к общему решению; воспитывать ответственность друг за друга; формировать у учащихся мировоззрение открытого информационного общества, отношение к иностранному языку как к источнику получения информации и средству межкультурного общения и побуждать пользоваться на доступном учащимся уровне.

Сопутствующие задачи: скрытый контроль развития речевых умений.

Оборудование:     таблица “The Royal Family”.


–  экран

                ТСО:     –  компьютер

–  проектор

Ход урока.

Начало урока.

 Teacher: Good morning everybody! Nice to see you! How are you getting on?

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about royal family. You had prepared some information beforehand, read some facts on the Internet. Now you will show your knowledge.
During our last lesson we remembered some facts and got new information about The UK.
Today we are going to speak about “The Royal Family” of the UK and it’s members.

  1. At first we must listening the anthem of United Kingdom.
  2. Information about Queen Elizabeth II.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth was born in London on April, 21 1926. Five weeks later she was christened in the chapel of Buckingham Palace and was given the names Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. Princess Elizabeth had her early education at home. After her father succeeded to the throne, her studies  include lessons on history and law.

She married Philip Mountbatten (4th cousin) in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947.

The Queen and the Duke celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in London in 1972.                    When Elizabeth was 13 she met Prince Philip of Greece. He was six years older then her. He came from the Greek royal family, but also had relatives in the Danish, British and Russian royal families. During the war he was in the Navy and that was when Elizabeth first saw him. Certainly at that time she was only a schoolgirl, but later they fell in love and in 1947 they got married.

The next few years were very happy. They had their first children: a son, Charles, born in 1948, and a daughter, Anne, born in 1950.

In 1952 King George VI died. Elizabeth was only 25 and she was Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Like other kings and queens since 1066, she came to Westminster Abbey for the coronation in the royal carriage with its fine horses. But, unlike other kings before her, she wanted the ceremony to be on television. The church and the government didn’t welcome the idea. It was an important ceremony and not a public show, they said. But Elizabeth won. The whole country watched how the heavy gold crown was placed on the young Queen’s head. Her birthday is officially celebrated in Britain on the second Saturday of June each year. The day is referred to as ‘the Trooping of the Colour;, the official name is ‘the Queen’s Birthday Parade.

Queen Elizabeth II is a ‘constitutional monarch’. This means that although she is officially the head of the country, the country is actually ran by the government, led by the Prime Minister.


  • The first group will be talking about her son Charles.

Prince Charles the son of Elizabeth II and Philip, duke of Edinburgh. In 1971 he studied at the University of Cambridge, becoming the first heir to the throne to obtain a university degree, and he later attended the Royal Air Force College and the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth. He took a tour of duty with the Royal Navy (197176). In 1981 he married Lady Diana Spencer ( Diana, princess of Wales), and they had two sons, William and Henry. 

IV. The second group will be talking about her grandson William

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge 

(born 21 June 1982), is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales, and third eldest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He is second in the line of succession, behind his father, to the thrones of sixteen independent sovereign states known as the Commonwealth realms.

V.The third group will be talking about her grandson Henry.
Prince Henry of Wales 

(born 15 September 1984), commonly known as Prince Harry, is the younger son of Charles, Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales, and fourth grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. As such, he is third in the line of succession (behind his father and elder brother) to the thrones of sixteen independent sovereign states known as the Commonwealth realms.

  1. The fourth group prepared quiz about the Royal family
  2. What is the family name of the present royal family?
  3. When did Queen Elizabeth II become Queen?
  4. Who is her husband?
  5. How many children does Queen Elizabeth II have?
  6. What are the Queen’s favourite animals?
  7. When was Prince William born?
  8. Which university did Prince William attend?
  9. What is Prince Harry’s real name? 9. Where do Prince William and Prince Harry live?
  10. Where do Prince William and Prince Harry live?
  11. Who was once part of the British horse-riding team in the Olympic Games?
  12. Which member of the present royal family once wrote a successful children’s book?
  13. Which member of the royal family is president of England’s Football Association?
  14. Which city did Princess Diana die in?
  15. Where are the British monarchs crowned?
  16. How many rooms are there in Buckingham Palace?

VII. Conclusion. Now watch the video about the royal family.

Teacher: I’m very glad to see how much you know about the British royal family.

               Thank you all of you, the lesson is over good bye.

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